Thursday, March 18, 2010

Lisa Michelle Swanson Was Born

This day about 1:05 am Eastern time, my wife celebrates her birthday. It's interesting for me to be with Lisa before and during her Birthday because it's the only day of the year she expects the world to revolve around her, it's the only day she truly beleives the joking comment she always says: "I'm kind of a big deal". She loves Birthdays, her own and making others feel special on theirs. It's humbling for me as I realize that I spend so many days expecting the world to treat me like it's my birthday where as Lisa spends 1 day with that attitude and the other 364 days of the year serving others and spreading smiles and joy every where she goes. Knowing her, I can only believe that He gives her the capacity to act so unselfishly and think so purely so much of the time....... This is when I use the word so many have used when they heard we got married: "WOW"...... Lisa is wonderful. I'm so thankful for her. I pray that I can treat Lisa like it's her birthday all the time as I believe she deserves it.


  1. Happy Birthday Lisa Butler. If you're spending the evening in a WalMart parking lot them maybe Mathew will let you go in and pick out something nice. :)

  2. Oh my goodness, I think I'm gonna CRY!!! This has GOT to be THE sweetest post I've ever seen (ok, that's a stretch) but it's THE sweetest post I've seen in a VERY, VERY long time (how bout that?) Mathew, I am beyond thrilled that you see in Lisa what her friends (and family) have seen in her since we've known her. She ROCKS, doesn't she? Thank you SO much for loving my friend and for being with her to share HER special day. Happy Birthday again, Lisa! LOVE YA!!!
